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The Right Service
At WellCorp, we are truly committed to rendering quality and consistent organizational healthcare services; we are primely centring on a speedy turnaround and delivery time. Our service includes 100% accuracy and timely reporting.
Services at your Workplace
At Wellcorp, we prioritize the client’s comfort and health in the first place. To this end, all our services, from medical diagnostics to our occupational health centres, can be provided on location at the company’s premises to ensure uninterrupted productivity.
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 8.00 – 17.00Saturday 9.30 – 17.30Sunday 9.30 – 15.00
Importance of Wellness of A Company Employee
The benefits of a sound and cheerful worker are multifold, touching on assurance, efficiency and loyalty.
Preventive Healthcare
At WellCorp, we combine with top-rated radiology, cardiology, laboratory and research facility administrations, with the leading the best medical equipment and profoundly qualified medical and administrative teams; to deliver our clients a one-stop solution for all their diagnostic needs.
Wellness Program
WellCorp’s Wellness programs aim to educate the individuals on how to make a sound way of life through simple and easy with workable thoughts and step-by-step working plans. The programs contain live seminars and workshops by health and wellness specialists, health-videos, freebies and daily tips.
Professional Executed Onsite Camps
WellCorp’s onsite camps are completely service-oriented. Our profoundly experienced administrative and medical teams focus on all aspects, right from framework and logistics to highly effective execution processes, to deliver an effective, reliable and consistent experience.
Online Records
WellCorp offers customers with easy-to-use online wellbeing records of their workers. These digital health records deliver the Human Resources Team with access to significant information and resources anywhere and at any time.
Our Services
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Have some Questions?
A preventive health checkup package is comprehensive of medical tests to identify the early starting stages of ailments and prevent them. WellCorp is best with early diagnosis and helps clients to get treatment in advance to avoid unpleasant situations.
Any individual, 18 years and above is eligible for the preventive health checkup.
Yes, you need to carry all your documents such as previous medical reports, prescription of the medicines which you take regularly, etc. to the centre. You must inform the Doctor about the ailments and the medications during the consultation.
The checkup time depends on factors such as age, gender, the purpose of the visit and the availability of the doctors and the consultants. We are requesting you to free your time, usually, the checkups may take a single day.
You can book your appointment checkup via online by visiting our website WellCorp.You will receive our hospitality call from our executive, you can allocate the appointment according to your preferred date and time, so it will help our executive to schedule your appointment.
For any queries that arise during your tests, you can raise our employees in the centre. Please feel free to approach the WellCorp Client Care Executive present at the checkup centre OR call our toll free number – +91 8754589684